New Approach to Transverse Scanning
Posted on October 07, 2014
Autolog is known as a world leader in transverse scanning technology since the early 1990s. Over that period of time, many improvements were made to their design to increase lumber recovery while reducing maintenance.
Autolog’s transverse optimization family (trimmer, cant and edger systems) is supplied with ¼" scan density, 3000 scan/sec Hermary sensors. These scanning heads are mounted on heavy duty slotted brackets which can be moved in order to clear the chains from being detected.
In 2009, Autolog introduced for the first time an innovative idea which consisted of slanting the sensors at an angle to increase board edge detection.
Slanted heads offer many advantages:
• Detection of steep edge wane
• Better width accuracy
• Slanted heads stay clear from debris and dust
• No need for air cleaning system
The first system with slanted heads was installed on a trimmer optimizer in Maine, US and since then, every new system sold was supplied with slanted heads.
The same technology applies to edger and cant optimizers, the only difference being that the angle of the scanning heads is different for each system.
Autolog also offers its newly designed user interface with:
• Windows 7 - 64 bits
• HD screen resolution
• Independent user account and custom personal configuration
• Configurable users’ read/write access for each screen
• Archive and save parameters manually and automatically
• Alarms center
• Advanced board solution analysis
• Swap language
• Swap measuring unit
• Real-time production curve
• Real-time product distribution